It’s a Wonderful Slice review


It’s a Wonderful Slice (DVD/Vimeo) – So I was privileged enough to check out a not released yet holiday Indy flick from an unknown filmmaker to me, Michael Moutsatsos (hope I spelled that right?). Anyway, Michael goes an unconventional route of holiday anthology story telling that gives the viewer a history lesson of Santa, Krampus, and a mischievous elf on their killing ground that eventually leads into the introduction of the storyteller. When the storyteller appears this is where the real movie begins as he ties together five quick holiday horrors that a man being sliced in his shower, a friend using wolves as cover for a murder, Santa attacking a couple in the woods, Satan controlling a man, and finally a beautiful woman toying with her victim. The story telling isn’t breaking new ground (but unconventional) as I quite enjoyed how the filmmaker went about putting everything together in this no budget production using a small if not same cast in each segment and using maybe three sets or areas the whole film. Otherwise, knowing what you have (not much) using it to your advantage and a high budget glossy look along the way. How to put it: when I see something like this I already know this might not be the filmmaker’s best work to date but it shows me they are usually testing or experimenting of putting together something even more entertaining in their next project or the one after that? Again anthologies can be a tough sell since a lot of filmmakers make them these days but these stories are quick, don’t linger, and you got someone dressed as Santa slaughtering people and quite simply you are going to have Indy movie viewers smiling in the end as I give this 2 out of 4 stars.

A podcast on a cool post-apocalyptic cult film “ACCION MUTANTE”


Cameron Scott is a podcaster who the past several episodes has been covering post-apocalyptic films but on his latest podcast for Cinema Degeneration decided to cover the film “Accion Mutante”. A cult French film that few have seen but is fun stuff as he asks huge horror fan and fan of this film Kay Crawford (director of Drain Snake Massacre) to dive into this great gem of a post-apocalyptic film that also has finally found its way on to Blu-ray! If you like podcasts, you are weird like me, and you love post-apocalyptic movies grab this episode as you will not be disappointed into this deep dive of “Accion Mutante”.

Gross Movie Reviews #519


Gross Movie Reviews #519


Bloodfist V: Human Target (DVD) – This time around Don “the Dragon” Wilson stars as Jimmy Stanton who wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. The super-hot Denice Duff is paid $500 to go into his room and claim to be his wife to take him home after he wakes. Quickly she gets involved in something much bigger as some mob guys come by at every opportunity to kill Jimmy. As Jimmy tries to figure out who he truly is the NSA comes a knocking to explain he was undercover as part of a Chinese smuggling organization. Not knowing who to believe as usual he goes out on his own with Ms. Duff to clear his name and kill every bad guy in his way! A fun and hilarious direct-to-video bootleg of Steven Segal’s ‘Hard to Kill’ with no real serious villain as I give it 2 ½ stars.


Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero (DVD) – In this entry Don “the Dragon” Wilson is an Air Force officer who is delivering classified material to a missile complex. Instead of a simple delivery he stumbles into a siege in progress on the missile site to set off a nuclear war. Eventually Mr. Wilson makes his way into the highly secured underground facility to save the day as I give it 1 ½ stars.


Bloodfist VII: Manhunt (DVD) – Don “the Dragon” Wilson is Jim in this entry into the series where it teaches you not to pick up strange hot blondes in a bar. After a night with the hot blonde Jim is accused of being a cop murderer and Steven Williams is on the job to track Jim down to bring him to justice. Jim must not only clear his name but bring down the drug ring within the LAPD as I give it 2 stars.


Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (DVD) – The last entry for Mr. Wilson has him as a high school teacher with a past in the CIA that catches up to him. Assassins are out to kill him as part of a cleanup operation as his former boss is expected to be declared the new head of the CIA. He heads over seas to keep his teenage son safe but that only slows the CIA down for a day before they catch back up as I give this last entry for “The Dragon” 2 stars.


Bloodfist 2050 (DVD) – This 2005 entry into the series made eight years after the original series is a Filipino post-apocalyptic film set in L.A. 2050 that begins with some stock footage of 80s Filipino post-apocalyptic films. Then we are introduced to a young man named Alex that when he isn’t banging the local stripper he gets wrapped up in a famous fighting ring. This is supposedly going to help him find his brother’s killer and make some money along the way. The film is kinda of dull and been done before aka the first ‘Bloodfist’ movie, this entry just has a lot more boobage in it as filler scenes with a few strippers dancing as I give it 1 star.


The New Mutants (On Demand) – This was that forgotten or shelved supposedly horror film starring mutants that we all wondered about but weren’t really excited about. If bored, the film isn’t that bad as teenage mutants are sent to an asylum that is funded by the Essex Corporation for scientific research. The teens are told it is for their own good but as a new mutant is introduced into the group they are being haunted by their own fears and must ban together to defeat their fears. This film just comes off as a misfire more than a bad movie and most likely besides being caught up in the whole Fox/Disney takeover was just a rushed project as it seems like the ‘X-men’ phase of superhero films were ending??? Anyway it is still worth a watch if you can’t find much else as I give it 2 stars.


Jiu Jitsu (On Demand) – If your brain needs something like a ‘Hardcore Henry’ to fulfill that feeling this might be the project for it? A weird comic bookish story about an interdimension being that comes to Earth every six years at this ancient temple to fight the best warriors alive. If the warriors disagree or do not fight the being it will just destroy the Earth. Seems simple enough as when all the crazy MTV action fight scenes are not happening with Tony Jaa and others we get just enough crazy Nic Cage to keep you interested till the end. The action film is entertaining and filled with some good fight scenes but the ‘hero’ character of the plot isn’t someone I feel fans will care about and hurts the film overall. I still give it 2 ½ stars for all its action but I would say check out ‘Triple Threat’ before you get ass deep into this movie.


Terminator: Dark Fate (DVD) – You can make fun of me for watching the whole ‘Bloodfist’ series for no reason. But for those who are fans of this series of films you know this series was done after the third entry, correct? ‘Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines’ the most pointless film ever made! This sequel/reboot tries its best to be pointless but really seems to recycle the storyline we just digested in ‘Terminator: Genisys’… I personally just watch the films because of Arnold but if you are just looking for something dumb to watch here you go! Spoiler alert: Skynet does not exist any longer and it is now called Legion. Not saying but just saying this should have been done when they decided to make the third film. Hey Hollywood if you are going to do this again just give us the humans vs. terminators post-apocalyptic war film in 90 minute form otherwise it is just dumb as I give it 1 ½ stars.

Llamageddon (DVD) – This wonderful creation is about an alien llama that crash lands on Earth in a small community and begin its takeover! When the llama isn’t stomping a victim with its hooves it is killing people with its laser eyes. Yes, you heard me correctly people when its shoots lasers from its red eyes fireworks go off. The alien llama stumbles upon a house party of young people where it begins killing them one by one but also spits on one party goer to have him begin a transformation. This independent film has it all folks and I absolutely laughed my ass off as the alien llama tries to destroy us all! If that isn’t enough pay attention to their drinking game as the character Dan changes shirts in every scene (17 times if I counted correctly?) I cannot thank filmmaker Howie Dewin enough for giving us this amazing gem of cinema as I give it 4 stars all the way!


Fatman (On Demand) – So what do you do with a super racist actor that may have ruined his career forever? How about have him play the role of Chris Cringle aka Santa Claus. This isn’t your typical holiday film as a young man is given a lump of coal for Christmas and this upsets him to the point of hiring a hitman to kill Santa Claus. If Santa doesn’t have enough to worry about he has to take on a government contract in order to make ends meet so he can continue giving good boys and girls presents once a year. This holiday film goes far off the reservation in this dark comedy to bring a holiday story that is just perfect for us weirdos. Santa isn’t your typical jolly red coat figure we all remember he is portrayed as a normal old guy just trying to get by with what he has. Difference is this Santa has been doing it for hundreds of years and I refuse to describe more of the movie because I like how the story tells you just enough to explain everything quickly to keep the flow going. This holiday gem gets 3 ½ stars and will most likely become a yearly watch for me.

Piranha Sharks (DVD) – Think sea monkeys kids! A science project gone wrong and now the military no longer interested in the project presents a problem: what to do with the piranha sharks? How about sell them as the hottest new product to get through an infomercial? And that is what two weird idea guys come up with as they sell them by the millions becoming rich overnight. But of course things quickly go wrong as the piranha sharks are reproducing out of control and starting to attack people anytime the water is turned on. Not even Jose Canseco pleas for his favorite thing can stop a couple exterminators from coming up with an idea to save New York City! Even a mayor played by Kevin Sorbo (who is Winnie the Poohing it around the office)  hopes the exterminators come up with an idea to save them all before all out nuclear assault as I give the entertaining film 3 stars.

Any comments please send to or . Remember folks always support your local independent movie theater, independent video store, and independent filmmakers! It will keep horror alive………

You can find all of my books at just search for Gross Movie Reviews or Tim Gross there!

Plus you can always go to the greatest T-shirt place online or if you are in Texas visit the store of “Fast Custom Shirts” where T-shirt Joe is the only place you should purchase your horror T-shirts: Go to and support!

You can now purchase copies of Jagoff Massacre and our new feature Blood Freak DVDs online that I co-directed with Dan Boyd at !  

TERROR FILMS has set a release date for the long gestating 80’s horror film The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom.


Los Angeles, CA (February 26th, 2020) – TERROR FILMS has set a release date for the long gestating 80’s horror film The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom. 

Inspired by actual events, director Mark Dossett’s critically acclaimed indie horror film is set to debut on digital platforms this March 2nd, 2020. The film, which first began its festival run in 2014, has been praised by horror critics.

Morbidly Beautiful stated, “The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom is an extremely satisfying watch. It’s a well-made horror film with a well-placed nod to Halloween, a villain who resembles Kane Hodder and a great soundtrack and musical score that effectively represent the era. There are creepy moments, scenes that are hard to watch and a well-paced build-up of events all surrounding a sympathetic lead character. That’s what makes this film such a great watch for horror fans.”

This sentiment was shared by fellow genre critics including by Horror Fuel who called the film – “one of the best slasher movies of the year” – and Horror Society who proclaimed the film was “a triumph for old school horror”.

When asked why he waited so long to distribute his feature film debut, director Mark Dossett had this to say: “I had four previous distribution offers before signing with Terror Films. I had everything from one distributor telling me they didn’t like the name of the film and they would figure it out once I signed. Another one quoted me on the phone their recoupable expense amount and then when the contract was sent, it was double that amount. So, at the end of the day, it all came down to trust. I didn’t trust any of them. After talking with Joe, I realized he and his staff were also indie filmmakers and that we would work together on everything from the poster to the trailer. That gave me the trust that I didn’t have with the others to go ahead and sign with Terror Films.”

The release will span over several months as it becomes available across digital platforms. Digital platforms hosting the film include: Prime Video, Tubi TV, Google Play and many others. In advance of the release, TERROR FILMS is debuting the newly revised trailer and poster here.

Official Trailer:

A downloadable version:

To Learn more about Terror Films visit:

American Antichrist is the latest from filmmaker Dakota Ray


American Antichrist is the latest full length feature from Denver auteur filmmaker Dakota Ray (The Rise & Fall of an American Scumbag, The Acid Sorcerer). The film is comprised of six vignettes that provide insight into a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by deviant and vile characters, including a serial killer (Dakota Ray) raised from the dead, who is haunted by visions of hell, a deranged religious fanatic (L.B.) , a sadistic drug dealer (Nick Benning) with connections to a snuff film ring, and a female drug addict (Meg Lacie Brown) who will do anything to get her next fix. American Antichrist takes the viewer on a bizarre, nihilistic voyage, full of evil, death, drugs, religion and immorality.

Dakota Ray as The Antichrist
Nick Benning as Chris
L.B. as Benjamin
Meg Lacie Brown as Crystal
Damien Rimmon as Sid
& The Acid Jesus as Himself
Featuring the songs: ‘Masco’, ‘Taven’, ‘Tarasque’, & ‘Madeleine’ by Fallow
Produced By: Dakota Ray, Sebastian Oake and R.A. Productions
Written & Directed by: Dakota Ray

Official Trailer:

Indiegogo Presale Campaign:

Interview with Dakota Ray:

American Antichrist Facebook Page:

IMDB Page:


Dakota Ray Facebook page:

Coming soon: “Lion” the short film


(Review coming shortly)


Official Trailer (in 4K): (this one you can include in your article)

Genre: Horror

Country: UK

“An isolated chalet in a snowy forest… A man blinded by alcohol… A woman unable to rebel… And an 8-year-old child troubled and dark… The silent night is broken with cries… the start of a terrible nightmare…”

Tagline: “Evil has a new face!”

Cast: Pedro Sánchez, Michael Segal, Tania Mercader

Produced by Luca Vannella (“Avengers”, “Thor”, “Harry Potter”, “Apocalypto”, “Heart of the Sea”), Alexis Continente (“Murder on the Orient Express”, “Transformers: The Last Knight”, “Thor”), Vincenzo Mastrantonio (“Titanic”, “Moulin Rouge”, “The Passion of Christ”, “Romeo + Juliet”), Bobby Holland Hanton (“The Dark Knight Rises”, “Game of Thrones”, “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”, “007 – Quantum of Solace”), Ferdinando Merolla (“Troy”, “Gangs of New York”, “Hannibal Rising”), Roberto Paglialunga

Written & Directed by Davide Melini (“Mother of Tears – The Third Mother”, “Penny Dreadful” “Into the Badlands”)

The film has been shot with the Red Epic Dragon 6K

IMDB Page:

With 126 awards in just one year of distribution, “Lion” is one of the MOST AWARDEDE HORROR SHORT FILM IN HISTORY. Here the award list:

– Morningstar Cine Festival 2017 (New York, United States): Best Film, Best Director, Best Production, Best Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Actress; Best Visual Effects, Best Makeup.

– Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film.

– 12 Months Film Festival 2017 (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Best Film, 2nd Audience Award.

– Los Angeles Film Awards 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Fantasy Film, Best Visual Effects.

– Barcelona Planet Film Festival 2017 (Barcelona, Spain): Best Director.

– Gold Movie Awards 2017 (London, United Kingdom): Best Actor Under 18 (Pedro Sánchez).

– London Independent Film Awards 2017 (London, United Kingdom): Best Horror/Thriller/Sci-Fi Short.

– L.A. Short Awards 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film, Best Director.

– Independent Horror Movie Awards 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Director.

– European Cinematography Awards 2017 (Warsaw, Poland): Best Visual Effects.

– Top Shorts 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film, Director’s Honorable Mention.

– Festigious International Film Festival 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film, Best Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez).

– Five Continents International Film Festival 2017 (Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela): Best Horror Film, Best Visual Effects, Best Makeup.

– Oniros Film Awards 2017 (La Thuile, Italy): Best Fantasy Film, Best Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez).

– Hollywood Hills Awards 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Supernatural Thriller.

– Hollywood Film Competition 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film, Best Editing, Best Visual Effects.

– Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Production, Best Visual Effects.

– Aab International Film Festival 2017 (Moga – Punjab, India): Best Film.

– Festival Cine Animal Bogotá 2017 (Bogotá, Colombia): Honorable Mention.

– Mediterranean Film Festival 2017 (Siracusa, Italy): Best Horror Film.

– New York Film Awards 2017 (New York, Unites States): Honorable Mention for Actor (Michael Segal), Best Visual Effects.

– Los Angeles Horror Competition 2017 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Film, Best Director, Best Visual Effects.

– Top Indie Film Awards 2017 (Manchester, United Kingdom): Best Sound.

– North American Film Awards 2017 (Washington, United States): Best Editing.

– Spotlight Horror Film Awards 2017 (Atlanta, United States): Silver Award for Best Horror Film.

– Global Film Festival Awards 2018 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Film, Best Child Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Honorable Mention for Actor (Michael Segal), Best Editing, Best Music.

– The European Independent Film Award 2017 (Paris, France): Best Visual Effects.

– Southern Shorts Awards 2017 (Roswell, Georgia, Unites States): Best Horror Film, Best Production, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Actor (Michael Segal), Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Makeup FX, Best Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Music, Best Sound.

– South Film and Arts Academy Festival 2018 (Rancagua, Chile): Best Horror Film, Best Production Design, Best Makeup, Best Visual Effects.

– Berlin Flash Film Festival 2018 (Berlin, Germany): Oustanding Achievement Award.

– Cult Critic Movie Awards 2018 (Kolkata, India): Best Supporting Actor (Michael Segal), Best Actress (Tania Mercader).

– Melbourne City Independent Film Awards 2018 (Melbourne, Australia): Best Sound.

– Direct Short Online Film Festival 2018 (Detroit, United States): Best Director, Audience Award.

– San Antonio Independent Film Festival 2018 (Ibarra, Ecuador): Best Horror Film.

– Cinema WorldFest Awards 2018 (Ottawa, Canada): Best Horror Film, Best Sound.

– International Independent Film Awards 2018 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Narrative Short, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Pedro Sánchez), Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Michael Segal), Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Casting, Best Editing.

– Independent Shorts Awards 2018 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Horror Short, Best Fantasy Short, Best Male Director, Best Original Story, Best Child/Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Cinematography, Best Makeup FX, Best Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Music, Best Sound.

– Rome Web Awards 2018 (Rome, Italy): 3rd Best Film, Best Director, Best Child/Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Actor (Michael Segal), Best Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Trailer.

– Cortoben 2018 – Certamen de Cortometrajes de Benagalbón (Malaga, Spain): Audience Award.

– CareAwards 2018 (Parkersbur, West Virginia, United States): Best Horror Short, Best Young Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Editing.

– Golden Earth Film Award 2018 (Los Angeles, United States): Best Performance (Pedro Sánchez).

– The International Horror Hotel 2018 (Cleveland, United States): Best Fantasy Film.

– Virgin Spring Cinefest 2018 (Kolkata, India): Best Short Film, Best Producers, Best Director, Best Actor (Pedro Sánchez), Best Supporting Actor (Michael Segal), Best Actress (Tania Mercader).

– CKF International Film Festival 2018 (Swindon, United Kingdom): 2nd Best Film, Best Actor (Michael Segal).

– NYC Indie Film Awards 2018 (New York, United States): Best Short Film, Best Director.

– Latitude Film Awards 2018 (London, England): Best Narrative Short, Best Director, Best Actor (Pedro Sánchez).

– Hollywood New Directors 2018 (Los Angeles, United States): Honorable Mention

Jason Horton’s The Campus on VOD (Amazon Instant) February 1st!


“The Devil Will Take Your Soul…One Piece At a Time.”

Los Angeles, California (January th, 2018): Director Jason Horton’s (Monsters in the Woods) The Campus will be releasing through Video-on-demand this week. This indie horror film puts Morgan (Rachel Amanda Bryant) in a demonic limbo, after her father makes a deal with the Devil. Robert C. Pullman (“Fragmented”), Brit Sheridan (“Supernatural”) and Scott Menville also star in this Gas Money Pictures’ production. And, The Campus will be available, through a wide online release, this February 1st!


The Campus brings several stories together in a larger narrative. Horton says of the story and its genre: “with The Campus I set out to put a unique spin on a familiar premise, by combining several horror subgenres into a single coherent story. I used the Groundhog Day’s (1993) framework to combine different types of horror, while telling a very human story.” Horror fans can see this thrilling horror title, through VOD this week. The Campus debuts on Amazon Instant, on February 1st. And, this is one horror title not to be missed.


The film’s official trailer:


The film can be reviewed here (pw: morgan2017):

The official synopsis: Robert dies after breaking his deal with the Devil, bringing his daughter home for the funeral. Morgan arrives with the intent of ripping off the family business but soon finds herself in a never-ending cycle of terror; being brutally murdered then resurrected over and over again – each time losing another piece of her soul.


Director/writer: Jason Horton.


Producers: Sean A. Reid, Joe Bartone, Robert Pullman, James L. Bills and  Paul Norman


Cast: Rachel Amanda Bryant, Britt Sheridan, Robert C. Pullman and Scott Menville Notes: Director Jason Horton and actress Rachel Amanda Bryant  are available for interviews.

On Facebook:


Also on Twitter:

Small Town Monsters Teams with Terror Films to expand the release of Invasion on Chestnut Ridge!


LOS ANGELES, CA (January 16, 2018) – Terror Films is teaming up again with award winning filmmaker Seth Breedlove for his latest documentary, Invasion on Chestnut Ridge. The genre label has set a release date for Tuesday, January 16, 2018, on most VOD platforms.

This film examines the history and continuation of unusual happenings on and around Chestnut Ridge, a mountain range located in Southwest Pennsylvania. The unexplained phenomenon in this region includes the Kecksburg UFO crash in 1965, the Uniontown Bigfoot and UFO sightings, terrifying encounters with an enormous prehistoric bird in Keystone State Park and much more.

Invasion on Chestnut Ridge was written, edited and directed by Breedlove as part of his “Small Town Monsters” series, which premiered on Amazon in October 2017 – to positive acclaim.

Terror Filmswill expand the film’s release to multiple platforms, shortly. Also, this marks the third collaboration between Breedlove and Terror Films. Previous titles include have included The Mothman of Point Pleasant and Boggy Creek Monster. As well, the expansion will include: iTunes, Vudu, Google Play and Xbox in North America with a Worldwide digital expansion to follow via iTunes International and iFlix. Additional platforms, VOD and a DVD release will follow at a later date.


The official synopsis: In southwestern Pennsylvania lies an expansive mountain range called the Chestnut Ridge. Though a home for unusual activity since the 1800s, the area has been largely overlooked…until now!

The Invasion on Chestnut Ridge trailer:

Terror Films is a distribution company specializing in the horror genre. They also produce titles out of Los Angeles, CA. More details on Terror Films:




More details on the documentary at Small Town Monsters:




In the land of faith-based productions, a husband-and-wife team celebrate their dark side



CHARLOTTE, NC: Perhaps the most prolific Charlotte-based filmmaker ever, Mark Baranowski announces the official guidebook to the varied assortment of edgy independent movies he created almost single-handedly between 2001 and 2011 – From Despair To Beloved: The Provocative Cinema of On Mark Productions.

Co-authored by Tucson, AZ writer-editor-filmmaker, Scott Kenyon Barker, the book serves as an introduction for those not already familiar with the oft-controversial films of Baranowski and his wife/creative partner, model-actress Ryli Morgan, while providing fans of these same films an in-depth look into their making.

In an effort to provide worthwhile content at odds with the likes of Hollywood, Mark and Ryli knew from the start that their microbudget films had to offer demanding audiences what most of the blockbusters lacked: heart. That, and sometimes excessive blood and bare skin… The result led many to wonder just how much of themselves the couple revealed to the camera, and to question their true motives for movie making: Were they following a dream, or just living out their fantasies?

The answer to this question and many more is revealed in From Despair To Beloved: The Provocative Cinema of On Mark Productions, which also includes an exclusive interview with Mark and Ryli; behind-the-scenes stories and photos; an entire shooting script for Mark’s latest film, Hardly Beloved; poster and video box art; ad mats; production stills and cast recollections.



From Despair To Beloved: The Provocative Cinema of On Mark Productions


by Scott Kenyon Barker, Mark Baranowski

Publisher: BearManor Media

Publication Date: August 7, 2015

English (with B&W photos)

6” x 0.7” x 9”

282 pages

ISBN: 978-1-59393-861-1

$34.95 list (Hardcover)

$24.95 list (Paperback)

For adult readers

Lance Henriksen Confronts BEING!


A solid cast of top talent headlined by Horror/Sci-Fi legend Lance Henriksen have joined forces to Kickstart the new indie film, BEING. In addition to Henriksen, the cast also includes heavyweight actor Robert John Burke, best known for his lead roles in RoboCop 3 and Stephen King’s Thinner, and indie film veteran Brian Foyster.

BEING is an edgy and one-of-a-kind film that transcends the typical horror genre. The story provokes an unnerving reflection of human behavior and tragic violence that occurs when someone, or something, threatens a person’s beliefs. BEING is designed to leave you on the edge of your seat and shake the convictions of what you believe in.

BEING already has several days of shooting in the can from locations in Norwalk, CT and the Catskills in upstate NY where paranormal activity and UFO sightings are frequently reported. Production is targeted to resume in August 2015 after the completion of a Kickstarter campaign and the production team is encouraging involvement from fans of the Horror/Sci-Fi genre.

“When this film becomes a reality, it will be in large part because of Kickstarter fans” says Director Doug C. Williams, “The opportunity to endorse and be a part of the artistic film process can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarating experiences a person can have in their lifetime. The pride of joining with extremely talented artists to develop cinematic works of art is immeasurable. We have taken advantage of every resource and contributing factor available to us, which has allowed us to already shoot some amazing footage for the film and to release our promotional teaser.”

The teaser and Kickstarter campaign can be found at:

The story all takes place over one night on a farmhouse in a small town in the mountains. A mysterious, bright burst of light explodes from inside the barn, knocking out the power. The drunken gathering going on in the main house comes to an abrupt halt. There is a creature they will discover in the barn. Something they do not understand. And as always, when the beliefs of the weak and fearful are threatened, they turn on each other…

“The modern world is getting very comfortable with fear and isolation…and if isolation becomes comforting to you, there’s something very wrong with that” says Lance Henriksen. “Fear in a spiritual sense is becoming an addiction” continues Henriksen, “and I’m very happy to be a part of this crew and believe me they’re kicking butt!”

Kickstarter contributors are rewarded with memorabilia from the film and participation levels go from $5 all the way up to $10,000 with the reward of being named as an Executive Producer on the film.