We at Grossfest have missed yinz too so we have an event for yinz! Grossfest-o-ween


(We at Grossfest have missed yinz too so we have an event for yinz!)

Brought to you by

Willow Station Restaurant & Bar

3841 Willow Ave.
Castle Shannon, Pa. 15234

Hey yinz looking for a cool little event to celebrate the season? Well how about you check out this event to meet some cool celebs, have some great food, and nice beverages on October 30th, 2021. This cool place opens at 2pm that Saturday. We will have a few guests from 2-3:30ish pm…


REMEMBER YINZ, ADMISSION IS FREE! You can support by buying food and drinks through our sponsor Willow Station. Any books, movies, or artwork can be purchased through the celebs/guests we have there from 2-3:30pm. Guests are done at 3:30ish but all are welcome to enjoy a great Pittsburgh restaurant and bar from 2-11pm that day.
SO … come hang out, meet a cool celeb to celebrate Halloween, buy some amazing food or a beverage or two, costume contest and party later in the evening, karaoke, so see yinz there!

This lovable duo needs no introduction as they are Pittsburgh film royalty and winners of the Grossfest Lifetime Achievement Award: They are independent film royalty as these two are behind such Indy cult classics “Meat for Satan’s Icebox” and “Fetish Dolls Die Laughing” among working on several other projects throughout the years writing, acting, directing, and have so many stories of working on Hollywood films that were made in Pittsburgh! This duo is known as David and Diana Silvio of Kiss of Death Productions.

Another guest that doesn’t need any introduction as she is one of the most talented and busiest people you could meet! She is the author of Solsticenightsky Productions & Radio, she is a well-established author, dabbles in acting, investigator, bad ass mum, knows way too much about the paranormal, bigfoot, and werewolves, she does it all! Her stories will make you rethink everything going on around you… I present to you: Christine M. Soltis!

Our next guest is more known than people realize… This local man is not just your typical horror author. His writing is influenced by Poe and Lovecraft (my opinion) but based in the darker side of humanity which should scare the shit out of you! He is one of my favorite people to talk to when it comes to authors, artists, radio hosts, music, comic books, artwork, and he has written one of the best post-apocalyptic stories you can ever read! Just don’t ask him about “The Car 2” as he still has nightmares of me showing up at his booth one day… This multi-tasker and crew have just had their podcast picked up by iHeartRadio with their first episode appearing on there about Grossfest, I would like to present to you David Fairhead and crew (Jess Weary, and Robert J Hoglund of Fairly Dark Productions).

This next guest recently unleashed a wonderful independent horror film made on VHS called, “Spirit Animal”! She is putting the finishing touches on her short film “Trash Removal” and in pre-production on “Bathtub Shark”. She has worked on a few other productions and her star as a filmmaker is on the rise. I wish I could bottle her happiness for VHS MOVIES and sell it because it would make the world such a better place, I present to you: Madeline Deering.

Our next guest is a hoot… When he isn’t being a social media “INFLUENCER” he is an author of some spooky and dark stuff in his books he writes. This cool and proud Dad of two tries to scare the pants of all yinz kids with his stories that can feel all too real. When he isn’t busy producing some evil stuff that rolls around in his head this guy also is a big part of the Grossfest group from the beginning to help get the original concept off the ground. He works hard, proud dad, but his heart is dark and belongs to horror, I present to you: Terrence Main!

And for our last guest announcement is a person who is a late bloomer to be an independent horror movie fan and supporter (Jagoff Massacre changed everything)… A person who believed in Grossfest before anyone else and is the main driving force behind the event, I may be the face but he is why it happens, he recently made his film debut in “Spirit Animal” and has several other film appearances coming in the next year or so, he is known for his fishing and nicknamed “the OG” (Original Gross) and he will be there signing copies of “Spirit Animal” and selling Grossfest T-shirts I present to you: The famous and star of “Spirit Animal”… Tom Gross!