Gross Movie Reviews #632

Severe Injuries (Blu-ray) – Vinegar Syndrome’s newer label Saturn’s Core is a specialty label that releases hard to find or out of print SOV Indy films from the past. Well one of their latest releases comes from director Amy Lynn Best and writer Mike Watt who released this Indy gem in 2003 that deals with a bumbling killer named Melvin. Melvin happens to come from a long line of serial killers who are bad at their job. But with the death of his father Melvin is determined to change things around… once he finds a sorority that is? Littered with several Indy genre vets this movie does a wonderful job of mixing horror and comedy with a smart script that brilliantly pokes fun at the sorority slasher flicks of the 80s. Not many horror films take a chance like ‘Severe Injuries’ being an outside of the box horror film with a killer learning to kill and you the viewer care for the serial killer? The film is very entertaining, smart, and most likely be more appreciated now than 20 years ago when it was made. This is one of those films that stood out in the early 2000s for being different but not sure how you market something like this? Now you get to enjoy it in all its remastered Blu-ray glory along with a kick ass slipcover, three commentaries, cast and crew interviews from 2003 and 20 years later as they look back on this interesting Indy project made for little money. Get ready there is more as this disc is loaded with deleted scenes, trailers, and several more short films from writer Mike Watt and director Amy Lynn Best. Again I have a feeling SOV fans will appreciate this feature much more now than 20 years ago as I give the full package 3 ½ out of 4 stars. You can order your copy at .

St. Patrick’s Day (DVD/YouTube) – A 2021 36 minute Indy film that goes for nostalgia setting it somewhere in the 80s for the backdrop (nevermind the Direct TV dish we see that doesn’t exist at that time or the Jeep Renegade one of the characters drive or there wasn’t talk of edibles but that is just me picking on things now). The story is centered on Ned and last year’s St. Patrick’s Day untimely event involving an accident where Ned is taking full blame what something he and his friends did? The throwback slasher vibe has the young group of partiers looking for edibles to really get the party going but the past keeps being brought up by certain members which makes the party have a tough time getting off the ground. Unbeknownst to them this is about to change as someone has other plans to kill them one by one as they hide their identity with a Trolls mask (again I don’t think that was around either?)! Overall I enjoyed the spirit of the film, where they were going with it, and with some tweaks how much more could be done with it. The project was entertaining and could be a lot worse as I think the effort put forth helped this be an enjoyable viewing experience as I give it 2 ½ stars.

Fog City (DVD) – A recent film from Steve Wolsh that has gotten some flak from horror fans after they have viewed it? After his other film ‘Kill Her Goats’ horror fans were on edge a little as was I to watch this film. The first few minutes of this film is to establish everything that goes down as it was shot weird to me but there was an endgame as Steve introduces you to some very unlikable characters for a horror film. There is an island setting, expensive cars, big house for the party, talk of attending Georgetown without loans and such, trust fund babies to say it simply. Along the way these young people going to party talk of this local thing, “The Paige Plant” and how it is going to poison everyone at some point or what is really made there? One of the girl’s fathers of course owns but doesn’t have a clue what exactly goes on there for years. Once the group hits the house for some drinking and evening falls that is when the old school sirens blare as an orange fog rolls close to the home. This sets in motion the group to break down very quickly and turn on each other in a heartbeat. Now the choice of music during this might not be the best but that is for a different conversation? Without giving too much away that is the plot of the film. Now saying that the film has too much filler, characters I hate, but I enjoyed how they quickly broke down and the ending is wonderful! The project is a huge mess in some ways but I don’t think these characters were ever supposed to be likable and the ending has an issue but I do like what the filmmaker went for but the rewatchablity will be tough for horror fans once they actually think this film through. Think ‘The Sixth Sense’ as an example after you see it can you really go back and give it a proper watch now that you know everything? Saying that I liked this film a little more than some people out there in social media land, it wasn’t perfect by a long shot but I did enjoy the deep subject matter of this film once it was over as I give it 3 stars.

Monsternado (DVD) – A hilarious British bootleg ‘Sharknado’ flick where a dude has been predicting a crazy tornado thingy that will come out of the Bermuda Triangle for years! The tornado or water spout has stirred up ancient sea life from this area that hasn’t been encountered ever. He was hired by FEMA to think outside of the box but when the shit goes down he is left behind to defend this event with almost nothing! Then you have a subplot of this film where three FBI and Interpol agents catch a sexual deviant at a hotel but cannot escort this dangerous individual because of  this legendary storm. Matt has a plan but needs help from the hotel staff to execute it correctly which sets up a cool scene of a redhead agent getting eaten by a crocodile in a stairway. Yes it is a bad movie but I laughed several times throughout so gather friends, beer, and pizza and have fun as I give it 2 stars.

The Seventh Curse (Tubi) – Dr. Yuan is a young doctor who lives a charmed life it seems but the good doctor has a secret as he is under some kind of “blood spell”! So the good doctor is told he needs to go back to Thailand or he will die a terrible death if he doesn’t get this year long spell lifted? This all because as in his flashback for the first half of the film is him witnessing some strange ritual that involves a batshit ritual of him fighting a nutzoid “old ancestor” (a shape shifting demon) to save a beautiful woman. Joe Bob Briggs would have a field day in the first forty minutes as it is loaded with “Blood, Boobs, and Beasts”! Now a year later is the main course as the doctor returns to Thailand to even crazier more hilarious shit as the doctor has to save this annoying tagalong character the rest of the way. This movie is complete chaos and feels like the Baskin and Robbins (31 flavors of ice cream for those who don’t know as this had at least a dozen ideas jammed in one) of the 80s film industry? This beautiful over the top film is just bonkers and entertaining as hell as I give it 4 stars all the way.

Suitable Flesh (Shudder) – Heather Graham or Dr. Derby is a very formal doctor who tries to help patients with some of their mental health issues. Until she is seeked out by a college student of Miskatonic University who intrigues her so much that she breaks her own rules to try to help him. He explains his out-of-body experience as he wants her help until the young man turns her life upside down and she goes down a wormhole of insanity how or if she can help even after knowing it happened to her sister in Barbara Crampton. But Derby pursues it as she must know about the boy’s father but isn’t prepared to what is found and hear this fantastic story. We got a mythical book, pictures of Cthulhu, and blood to make strange things such as body transference happen in this exciting Lovecraft tale. I like the film but didn’t love it but no matter what horror fans are all going to enjoy this in some capacity as I give it 3 stars.

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