My favorite movies to rewatch from the past twenty years!

Point of this list isn’t so much to piss everyone off as much I was asked to do a podcast recently and put together “my favorite twenty horror movies over the past twenty years”? So now that I have done the podcast, I thought I would post the list for those who didn’t or won’t hear the podcast.

Top 20

1) VFW

2) Hobo with a Shotgun

3) Shaun of the Dead

4) The Barn

5) Hexercise

6) 30 Days of Night

7) Holy Shit… Zombies!

8) Dead Snow

9) Wolf Cop

10) The Void

11) The Collector

12) Feast

13) The Devil’s Rejects

14) Don’t Kill It

15) Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

16) Frankenstein’s Army

17) The Rec 1-4 series

18) Pool Party Massacre

19) Garden Party Massacre

20) Planet Terror from Grindhouse

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