Less than two weeks for Grossfest-o-ween! Hope to see yinz there?


Our guests: Super cool filmmaker and past Grossfest Award winner – Steve Rudzinski,

Upcoming and talented filmmaker Maddie Deering

(Both can be found on IMDb for all their credits and will have their movies and merch for sale)

These are all the bad ass and cool vendors that will be at the free Grossfest-o-ween event Saturday, October 29th, 2022 from 11-4 at Willow Station Bar and Restaurant

Drunken Yinzers Productions

House of Horrors

Kim Rojas – The Odd End

Shooga Suds

Celebration of Spirits

Piffle Productions

Scott Baucan – artist

Video Nasty Productions

Thorn and Rose

Pgh Scrubs Guy

Creative Chaos

Jenny Louise – actress/fashion designer

Craig Blake – Master of all things Horror Art wise

Kiss of Death Productions

Catacomb Creations

Shooga Suds

Please visit: www.grossfest.comwww.thewillowstation.com , https://silverspotlightfilms.storenvy.comwww.facebook.com/madeline.deering.9
