Living the Dream (in independent films)


Living the Dream (in independent films)

Okay for the dozen of you that will actually take the time to read this post/blog/article and got past the flashing thingy-ma-jig on the Google machine or your phone thank you… For the rest of you this is actually me making a point for yinz N’at! Anyway, we hear people all the time say, “I am living the dream”. We know its bullshit and wanna punch them in the face! But just stay with me here as for the week of August 13th-20th, 2022 I might actually be “living the dream”? Wait on punching me in the face… There is a point here if you are an independent filmmaker, author, script writer, actor, etc. During the week of August 13th-20th, 2022, “The Barn 2” is having a premiere August 13th & 14th which I actually had a very small speaking part in (if Zane and Justin didn’t cut me out… I would understand lol). Next, there is a DVD being released on the 16th from where I am not just in the movie from Maddie Deering called “Trash Removal” but I am actually on the cover. Then on the 20th, there is a special backyard screening of “Spirit Animal” which is gaining steam as an Indy cult classic which I get killed by a buffalo head. (If you wanna go a little further on the 27th we continue to shoot more scenes for ‘Sorority Sasquatch’ segment for our film “Tales from the Gross Side”.) Sorry yinz I will make my point and that is “living the dream”. The week of August 13th-20th is an example of the payoff. Life can be a grind people and most of us if not all don’t have the ideal jobs? This is where independent filmmaking, acting, writing comes in and some get discourage quickly, don’t make money, or feel it is going nowhere? I am here to tell you when I do movie panels or speak at conventions and use the phrase “if you are doing this for the money you are in the wrong business” comes into play… Ask yourself if you are “living the dream” when you act, direct, or write because know this there is a payoff or at least I believe there is no matter how long it takes. Think about it: I am 47 (I know I am an old Chudsquatch by your standards), I have been either writing books, trying to get into movies, or run Grossfest for the past twenty years and this week coming soon is the first time in my life I actually understand the phrase “living the dream”. Again the point my friends there is a payoff for all your passion, hard work, shitty effects work, or the camera taking a shit after you shot some of the greatest scenes ever in your life so hang in there and understand independent filmmaking, writing, acting is about fun, your passion, being away from your real but most likely shitty job because what is the worst that can happen? Someone sees your project and they actually like it…? Now that is crazy or maybe it is just you getting to “live the dream”… So think because maybe there was a payoff and you just chose to not acknowledge it?

